Dress Code

School Uniforms and Dress Code

Vidalia Heritage Academy believes that the use of school uniforms encourages an atmosphere of uniformity, pride, loyalty, and equality among students. Uniforms help in removing some of the distractions and tend to involve students more by making them part of a “team” at school. This is not so much to erase their individuality, but to include everyone at the same level as far as image and dress is concerned. The dress code should be followed by all students and is outlined below. Complete dress code information can be found in the Student Handbook.

Please see the Student Handbook for complete dress code information.

Senior Students

Monday – Thursday: All seniors may wear a spirit t-shirt along with approved slacks, shorts, skorts, or blue jeans. If the senior does not wish to wear a spirit t-shirt on those days, they are required to wear a uniform collared shirt. Friday: All seniors MUST wear a uniform collared shirt to their Senior Seminar class and Chapel along with approved slacks, shorts, skorts, or blue jeans.

Daily Upper School Dress Code


  • Navy, red, or white pique golf shirt with school logo (long or short sleeve).
  • Spirit shirts may be worn every Wednesday.
  • Please note that red pique golf shirts with school logos are required for all school field trips.

Slacks, Pants, Capris, Shorts, or Skorts

  • Khaki or navy slacks/pants/capris/shorts/skorts or blue jeans provided they meet the 3″ rule. Please see the Student Handbook for detailed information.
  • Skorts and capris can only be worn by female students.
  • Leggings under skorts (for females) are allowed, but must be red/white/blue or a combination of those colors.

Shoes, Socks, and Belts

  • Tennis shoes, sneakers, loafers casual shoes, and boots are allowed.
  • No Heelies, flip-flops, or Crocs.
  • Socks should be red, white, blue, black, or khaki.
  • Belts should be worn at all times (with pants/slacks/jeans) and should be cordovan, black, brown, white, khaki, or navy.

Sweaters, Sweatshirts, and Hoodies

  • Sweaters may be worn in the classroom and should be navy, red, white, or black.
  • Only school sweatshirts or hoodies with the school logos are allowed for indoor warmth. This includes any sweatshirt or hoodie that was purchased for a school-sponsored event (such as Harvard Model Congress or sporting events).

Overcoats and Jackets

  • Only school sweatshirts or hoodies with the school logos are allowed for indoor warmth.
  • Overcoats/Jackets of any color may be worn for outdoor warmth as long as the logo is smaller than a credit card. Once inside, the overcoat/jacket must be removed and a school sweatshirt or hoodie with the school logo must be used for indoor warmth.

Free Dress Days

Free dress days will be on the last Friday of each month and is a reward for students who are exhibiting responsible uniform dress daily.

Please see the Student Handbook for complete dress code information.

Daily Elementary School Dress Code


  • Navy, red, or white pique golf shirt with school logo (long or short sleeve).
  • Spirit shirts may be worn every Friday.
  • Please note that red pique golf shirts with school logos are required for all school field trips.

Slacks, Pants, Capris, Shorts, or Skorts

  • Khaki or navy slacks, pants, capris, shorts or skorts provided they meet the 3″ rule. Please see the Student Handbook for detailed information.
  • Skorts and capris can only be worn by female students.
  • Leggings under skorts (for females) are allowed, but must be red/white/blue or a combination of those colors.

Shoes, Socks, and Belts

  • Tennis shoes, sneakers, loafers casual shoes, and boots are allowed.
  • No Heelies, flip-flops, or Crocs.
  • Socks should be red, white, blue, black, or khaki.
  • Belts should be worn at all times (with pants/slacks/jeans) and should be cordovan, black, brown, white, khaki, or navy.

Sweaters, Sweatshirts, and Hoodies

  • Sweaters may be worn in the classroom and should be navy, red, white, or black.
  • Only school sweatshirts or hoodies with the school logos are allowed for indoor warmth. 

Overcoats and Jackets

  • Only school sweatshirts or hoodies with the school logos are allowed for indoor warmth.
  • Overcoats/Jackets of any color may be worn for outdoor warmth as long as the logo is smaller than a credit card. Once inside, the overcoat/jacket must be removed and a school sweatshirt or hoodie with the school logo must be used for indoor warmth.

Free Dress Days

Free dress days will be on the last Friday of each month and is a reward for students who are exhibiting responsible uniform dress daily.

Please see the Student Handbook for complete dress code information.

Daily Preschool Dress Code

  • Children should be dressed in comfortable play clothes. Be aware that preschool activities such as art and snack may cause clothing to become soiled.
  • Please avoid overalls, belts, and clothing with snaps or straps which can cause frustration for young children when developing toileting skills.
  • Shorts or leggings should be worn underneath skirts or dresses.
  • For safety reasons, children must wear tennis shoes or soft-soled shoes that strap to the heel. No flip-flops, clogs, open-heel shoes, or boots of any kind. 
  • All Children will need to bring a change of clothes in a labeled gallon-sized storage bag to leave at school (socks and underwear included.)
  • All outerwear and accessories should be labeled with the child’s name.


K3 and K4 students will be required to wear a Spirit Shirt on Chapel Days.

Shirts will be available for purchase through VHA.



  • Hair is to be neatly trimmed on the sides and back and combed.
  • It is to be gradually tapered in the back and not be more than 2 inches high (this includes any stylish spiking of the hair), or 2 inches below the top of the shirt collar.
  • Hair must also be cut above the eyebrows.
  • Facial hair, i.e., mustaches, beards, goatees, and sideburns should be neatly trimmed.



  • Hair must be neatly combed and brushed with no unnatural color.
  • The hair accessories allowed are: barrettes, bows, clips, rubber and elastic bands, headbands, and scrunchies. These must be in one of the following colors or color combinations: red, white, blue, black, beige, or pink.
  • NOTE: Any exceptions to the above policy on hair on the basis of academic or athletic events will be approved by administration.